Bee Balm never hides away completely. It spends the winter paused, waiting for the weather to warm up just a little. Then it becomes unstoppable!

Bee Balm never hides away completely. It spends the winter paused, waiting for the weather to warm up just a little. Then it becomes unstoppable!

We can't say enough about Goldenrod.  It's an ecosystem super plant! We hope to have 4 or 5 different varieties growing at the garden by the end of this season.

We can't say enough about Goldenrod. It's an ecosystem super plant! We hope to have 4 or 5 different varieties growing at the garden by the end of this season.

Comfrey leaves poke up from the decaying rubble of last year's plant. A medicinal herb that is one of the first bloomers in our pollinator plot, it has an long tap root that pulls nutrients up from deep underground.

Comfrey leaves poke up from the decaying rubble of last year's plant. A medicinal herb that is one of the first bloomers in our pollinator plot, it has an long tap root that pulls nutrients up from deep underground.